Flood Insurance

Flood insurance is priceless

First Thought

While flood insurance tends to be an afterthought, having a flood insurance policy is one of the most important items a person can have in their portfolio .

Homeowners Insurance

Your homeowners insurance policy does not cover flood damage. Your Regency agent will help you determine how much flood insurance you need to protect your home and possessions.

Flood Zone

People often wonder if they need flood insurance if they do not live in a flood zone. Your Regency agent can give you information you need to make the best call for you .


Anyone who lives near a lake, river, stream, canal or the beach should take the necessary steps to protect you and your familiy.


Renters need to carry flood insurance too. Especially if they live near a body of water or in a flood zone.

An Alternative to FEMA Flood Insurance

If you’re finding that your FEMA flood insurance policy doesn’t provide you with enough value, then ask for private market flood insurance (PMFI). PMFI is a simple alternative to FEMA flood insurance. Up until 2015, no one was really offering PMFI except on high value homes. But today, FEMA has some competition which is great if you’re stuck paying 5 or 6 thousand dollars for a FEMA flood policy. Sometimes PMFI companies can quote a premium that’s significantly less and save the day. Here are some of the benefits of private market flood insurance:

Lower premiums for most older homes and businesses

No surcharges for seasonal homes

Identical coverage as FEMA policies

Same claims adjusters as FEMA policies

Quote your own premium instantly

Same day policies available

No elevation certificates required​”
