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If you’re reading this, chances are something bad happened and you need help. After working with thousands of others who’ve been:
In collisions
Victims of theft
Left homeless from a severe storm
Insert your reason for filing a claim here: ___________
We understand how difficult this can be for you. We want you to know that we’re your advocate for dealing with your insurance company and we’re here to support you.
Before you submit your claim to your insurance company, please call us first at 239-628-4344 during normal business hours or send us a message. We’d like the opportunity to coach you through the claims process and explain your options.
If you cannot wait to speak to us, then we’ve provided a list below where you can reach out to your carrier directly. Be sure to:
Take photos/videos of the damages
Keep good records of anything you spend
Check with your insurance company before discarding items
Take all reasonable safety measures to secure your property from further damage.